You’ll learn how to f ind exact points in your recording using Selection Jump You’ll learn how to change Stereo Tracks into Mono Tracks You’ll learn how to use Keyboard Shortcuts You’ll learn how to record on a New Track or on the Same Track You’ll earn how to remove Effects that you don’t use You’ll learn how to dramatically improve recording time with two different techniques: Punch and Roll and Click and Roll You’ll learn how to fix your Plosives (popping P Sounds) You’ll download free DeEsser plugins to help soften S sounds You’ll learn new techniques for quickly pasting in room tone the exact length you need You’ll learn how to remove unwanted clicks 3 different ways, including treating the entire track at once. You’ll download and install free new plugins that will help solve your editing and mastering problems How to update your version of Audacity so that you always have the latest updates and features (new features!)